Onav: website, back-end and SEO strategy
The new digital ecosystem designed by ATC favours information seeking, information accessibility and localised SERP results
- Communication strategy
- UX strategy
- Customer journey mapping
- Web design & digital activation
- Website
- Advertisement strategy
- Back end implementation
- Data integration CRM
A historic institution within the Italian wine tasting sector, Onav, Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori di Vino, needed to rejuvenate its website,
in terms of design and usability on one hand, but also with regard to page optimisation for a better ranking on Google and to the enhancement of back-end management functions.
We wanted to pursue an advanced digital ecosystem, which would support our SEO strategy and the geolocation advertising.
From a user experience standpoint, our team at ATC has been working on identifying the actions to promote on the site. Once set the basic usability goals, we designed contents and navigation so to favour information seeking. We kept in mind that information accessibility is not just good for users, as it is key to appeal to Google’s crawlers, as it provides more information to search engines, which rely on text to find out about a site.
The final output is a clean, streamlined website, where users can easily access to wine tasting events and courses, thanks to an enhanced interactive calendar, which strategically occupies the above the fold in the homepage.
The use of structured data (json-ld), embedded into the page markup, allows for the search engine to quickly scan all offerings (events and programmes in different cities): in that way Google’s SERP can give back to users a description complete with date, time and place of the event.
The use of structured data (json-ld), embedded into the page markup, favours localised queries.
The development of the back-end focused on advancing some key functionalities:
1. Integrated management of data coming from the national direction of the ONAV and from local sections;
2. Implementation of a solid system for monitoring and for approving the costs of management of all the events promoted by sections, locally;
3. Improvement of the visibility of the site’s offering and of the online-shopping options;
4. Implementation of a recall system through frequent e-mailing;
5. Automated management of customer lifetime value: from association to deadline reminders, to educational progress;
6. Reporting system based on an internal datawarehouse;
7. Survey system to get feedback on the overall quality of the educational offering.