Nestlé Health Science - Meritene Vita D+
Communication strategy for the international launch of a new spray supplement
- art direction
- copy writing
- UX design
- video editing
- UX design
- video editing
- consumer & trade toolkit website
- tv commercial
- consumer & trade toolkit
- consumer & trade toolkit
- website
- tv commercial
The importance of Vitamin D as one of the fundamental nutrients for human health is now recognized by healthcare professionals and consumers, who are increasingly attentive to their quality of life. With Meritene Vita D+, the innovative high-absorption Vitamin D spray supplement, Nestlé Health Science seeks to answer the question of how to ensure that consumers are receiving a sufficient level of this key vitamin.

Prior to the conception and realization of the creative concept, the strategic analysis of the target audience provided the project team with valuable insights into the expectations and needs of potential consumers. In particular, the need for practicality regarding small daily actions (such as the intake of a supplement) was considered, and the request for transparency and clarity on the label and on the communication materials supplied with the product.
The assessment of the reference market helped define the key messages competitors attach to their own offer. This enabled the differentiation of creative proposals focused on prospects and building trust around the product.
A communication toolkit, complete with BTL material – from leaflets for consumers to displays for pharmacies and brochures and documentation to support the sales force – as well as video and digital content, accompanied the global launch of the product. For the launch on the Italian market, the agency also designed and produced a ten-second television commercial.
In all the materials, the creative concept "Your daily spray of sunshine" emphasizes the importance of Vitamin D and its correct integration; at the same time, it suggests the ease of use of the spray solution, perfectly suited to the needs of every lifestyle. With direct references to the sun and being outdoors, graphic layouts and videos enhance the positivity of a correct lifestyle.
In the leaflet and in the trade folder the authoritative tone information reassures users about the quality of the product, with a direct reference to the end benefit - the improvement of personal health and wellbeing. The digital strategy was articulated in the development of the web page and informative mini-videos for activities on social channels (YouTube and Facebook).
Product differentiation and building trust were the key ingredients behind the communication strategy