strategia BTL e Digital lancio pasti sostitutivi dimagranti OPTIFAST

Meritene Italia: launch of Optifast

BTL and digital communication strategy for the launch of a new line in the substitute meals segment

  • Brand strategy
  • Ux strategy
  • Concept & content creation
  • Packaging design
  • Below the line
  • Web design & digital activation
  • Leaflet consumer
  • Trade folder medico
  • Kit con sample prodotto
  • Sito di prodotto
  • Banner per display adv

In a mature market such as diet products, winning attention requires focusing on several key factors, including building trust regarding the efficacy of the product and the endorsement of medical specialists, dieticians in particular.

For the launch on the Italian market of the Optifast slimming replacement meal line, our client needed to corroborate the image of the new line through two fundamental and potentially conflicting media: clear, transparent and consumer-oriented communication and a more technical recourse to the professional medical channel.

below the line e packaging design kit OPTIFAST per medici e pazienti con campione in omaggio
our approach

The multi-target and multi-channel strategy adopted took into consideration two crucial touchpoints in the patient-prospect path to purchase. The first consists of the figure of the specialist doctor, who, thanks to a dedicated communication strategy becomes a real ambassador of the product.

Through its endorsement it is possible to intercept in a more timely manner an audience of patients who turn to a medical structure for the solution of their problem in a medical context. The second is the product site, the landing place for the digital advertising strategy, effected through AdWords and social campaigns.


For the touchpoint relating to medical practices, communication was expressed through informative printed materials and a special kit for patients with samples of different tastes of the products. Strengthened by the idea of "losing weight, gaining health", the concept behind the communication conveys the authoritativeness and reliability of the brand through clean visuals and essential graphic choices: emphasising the product and the know-how and clinical studies that support it, without further adornments. To capitalize on the specialist channel and accurately intercept the target, the advertising materials have also been adapted for publication in trade magazines.

On the product site, however, the duality of the target has been resolved through an information section dedicated to the specialist on a platform that mainly speaks to the consumer, who can move from the page to the shopping cart in a fluid way and also, thanks to the wealth of information that can be found, be more aware of their purchase choices.

A multi-target and multi-channel strategy around two touchpoints: the medical practice, offline; the online product site
brand strategy e campagna di comunicazione OPTIFAST, gusti fragola, cioccolato e vaniglia